Various physical platforms have their own advantageous and challenges, which motivate us to construct hybrid quantum systems. For example, optically photons can be efficiently transferred over long distances via optical fibers, while microwave photon can be reliably controlled in superconducting circuits for quantum information processing. It will be important to have a reliable quantum transducer that can transfer quantum information between optical and microwave modes.
- We investigate the fundamental and practical limitation of quantum coherent interfaces that allow the transfer of information between superconducting qubits, propagating light fields, and trapped ion qubits, to enable the development of quantum networks and distributed quantum information processors.
- We explore cavity-magnon system to achieve quantum state transfer among optical photons, microwave photons, and mechanical phonons, in collaboration with the Tang Lab at Yale.
Selected Publications:
- “Cavity magnomechanics,” X. Zhang, C.-L. Zou, L. Jiang and H. X. Tang, arXiv:1511.03680.
- “Superstrong coupling of thin film magnetostatic waves with microwave cavity,” X. Zhang, C. Zou, L. Jiang and H. X. Tang, J. Appl. Phys. 119, 023905 (2016).
- “Magnon dark modes and gradient memory,” X. Zhang, C.-L. Zou, N. Zhu, F. Marquardt, L. Jiang and H. X. Tang, Nat. Commun. 6, 8914 (2015).
- “Strongly Coupled Magnons and Cavity Microwave Photons,” X. Zhang, C.-L. Zou, L. Jiang and H. X. Tang, Phys. Rev. Lett. 113, 156401 (2014).